Sunday, 15 July 2007

Rainy day

What a horrible day. Was going to go to party in the park, but the rain put pay to that.
However spent the day scrapping a lo.

Made some cards out the scraps that where left. What do you think? It would be nice to see a comment if any one would care to leave one.

Treated Luke yesterday, we went to see the new Hary Potter. It was fantastic, honestly they just keep getting better. Some of the people in the cinema clapped when the bad characters got defeated and then clapped again at the end when it had finished. It really is worth going to see.
After we went to the Pizza hut. I just love pizza. And you can tell. My thighs are the circumference of 2 large deep pans today. Must get back into the routine of going to the gym. I know i will feel better for it, it is just hard trying to fit every thing in.
Tomarrow it is the scout fair. I have managed to get some equipment, a cococunt shy and some clowns that you throw balls through holes in them. I am on refreshments. I have to go and get enough for about 200 hot dogs, squash and hot drinks.
Hope the weather picks up tomarrow, but some how i do not think it will.
until next takecare.

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