Monday, 3 September 2007

Back to school

I my have just had 2 weeks off, but after this weekends partying i am bushed.
I had promised to take luke to the pictures to see the Simpsons. Luck for me he decided to leave it until thursday. He has been really good today sorting out his room. Throwing out lots of 'baby stuff'. Because he is off to high school tomorrow. He looks so grown up in his very expensive uniform. I have spent a small fortune on equiping him for his new school.
Bit of a trumatic time for me of late. What with nephews going to Afghanistan and now my boy nearly grown up. Where is the time going. Here are some piccies of my lovely son

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Jackie he does look grown up! My baby too started secondary school this week. So far she is loving it but we are all tired from getting up early again after the hols!