Saturday, 29 September 2007

Di Hickman sept #4

Here is my take on this weeks Di Hickmans challenges
Thought i would have a go at a man's card again. I seem to have more males in my life than females. I long for some more females so i can do more lo's with flowers on.
Anyway when i was doing this card and heat embossing the circular 'for Gentlemen' emblishment sparks started flying from it. So i have had to buy a new one which i will check out later today, hopefully. I have a busy scrapping day tomorrow. I have to finish my next circle journal which will be about 'me' The other team members have to write what they like and dislike.
It is also my brother-in-law to be's 50th birthday next week so i need to russell up something for him.
Have a next saturday night.

Friday, 28 September 2007

123 card

I have had a change of heart. I have made a new card for the fat freddies competion for september. They hold one every month so if you fancy a go head over there. And if you win don't forget you sent you there. lol.
Arm feeling slightly better. Cann't wait until it is back to normal and i don't have to wear this sling any more.
Anyway the weekend is almost upon us, so have a good one and thanks for visiting.

Thursday, 27 September 2007

Another lo

Hi you crafty buddies out there. I have finished the lo i started at fat freddies. Not sure about the up load i have tried repeatedly to improve it in micro soft picture it, but after the one thousandth attempt ( only a slight exasgeration) i have now given up. What you aee is what you get. Any hints on how to improve this or any freeby picture improving sites will be much appreciated.

Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Swirls and sparkle

I had a good time at Fat Freddies last night. Did a lo of Luke which i intend to finish today, so will show you that tomorrow. Arm abit achy after testerday
Also trying to work on another card for fat freddies card comp. Not happy with yesterdays. Did this lo off my friend Margarets 50th birthday celebratios. She looked fantastic more like 30 than 50. She certainly did sparkle

Look after yourself

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Fat Freddies

I am off to Fat Freddies tonight fpr a crop. Out twice in 3 days. Made a card which i may enter in to this months comp at Fat Freddie. Not sure through. Needs a certain something extra.

Monday, 24 September 2007

Stash, stash, stash.

Had a fantastic time at the show. Spent a small fortune, but ay ho it is only money and one as to ensure a good supply of stash to work with. There was lots of lovely stuff. Art from the heart have the new Love Elsie range. Which is delish. Got a Zutter bind it all. I have wanted one for ages and luckily Stamp Addicts where selling them. Also got lots of paper and card. My good friend was very kind to me on saturday, she carried my bags and made me sit whilst she got coffee's and lunch. Thanks very much Lynn. Then i went again on sunday. I had a free ticket for both days. Given to all members of craft work cards. Lynn could not make it on sunday, so my darling son came along as my bag carrrier. I treated him to a double topped jersey ice cream, which he thought was yummy. So that kept him happy. Arm is a bit sore. People kept knocking. Some people did actually apologise and check i was o.k. But others just looked and carried on pushing through. Some people seem to lose all sense of good manners. The Sketch this card site are looking for new design tem members. I would looovvee to be part of a design team. So anyone out there looking for new team members ?!!! This is my attempt for sketch this card:27

Hope you are all well. Take care

Friday, 21 September 2007

Di Hickman sept #3

I felt in the card making mood today so did 2 for this weeks Di Hickman sketch Made the snowflake one first, which i quite like. I bought some stencils from fat freddies they are by The Crafters Workshop and are really fantastic. They have lots to choose from including alphabets, swirls , flowers and doohickys ( brackets and exclaimation marks to you and me) Any way i did the swirls by the snowflake with the Regal Flourish.

Luck for me Fat Freddies will be at the Great Northern Show tomorrow, so i will be able to stock up on supplies. I am really looking forward to it. I love getting new stash. And apart from walking the dog and going to fracture clinic i have not been out. Starting to go a little stir crazy. I neeeeeed to get ooouuut
Takecare and catch you later

Thursday, 20 September 2007

two tone ribbon

This is for this weeks challenge over on cps
For some reason the ribbon looks two tone, but it is not in real life. It is just plain burgundy. I am pleased i am still managing to craft, even if some what slowly. My arm is getting a little more comfortable. What i really miss is a bath. I am having to have a shower and my dh washes my hair, but it just does not feel the same. I love soaking in a bath. It is like my little space for a short while. Cann't wait to get back too it.
I am gonig to the great northern paper crafts show on saturday. Meeting up with my good friend Lyn, who is kindly giving me a lift. Hope to see some of you there, including you janet. Say hello too me if you see me there. I am one with a coller and cuff on my left arm.

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

LO at last.

I started this lo before my accident and have managed to finish it. Although it has taken 3 days. Still i don't have anything else to do. In some ways it is nice been a lady of leisure, but i sure miss my independence and being able to drive. I have somelovely friends. I have had offers of lifts to the great northern papercraft show which is on this weekend. Lifts to next weeks scrap at fat freddies. Aswell as offers of help from my non scrapping friends. Makes me feel luckily. And then of cause i have my dh and ds both of whom are seeing to my every need. I well and truely are blessed. Thanks to each and everyone.
Back to the lo. It is for a challenge site by the team i am in at uk scrappers. We are to use ribbons. Which are coming out of the star and are the crosses on the large photo corner.

Monday, 17 September 2007

slight accident

Hi i have a slight accident. Whilst helping set up the bbq at the scout AGM i tripped over a step. Landed on the concrete on top of my left arm and fractured my radial head. It is very sore at the moment, even with pain killers. Luckily i am right handed, which is unhurt. However it is very difficult doing every thing one handed. I have to eat with a folk, little an american GI. And going to the toilet is not that quick and easy as it was.
Will keep blogging, cause i can do that one handed. I do have some old lo's which i have not put on my blog so will upload them when i feel up to it. Still feel a bit shakey and diffenately sore at the moment.
Still it will give me time to write (one handed ) those letters to my boy's out in Afghanistan.
Takecare out there, and don't go trippng over step's.

Saturday, 15 September 2007

Di Hickman sept #2

Hi just quickly run up a card for this weeks Di Hickman's challenge Hope you like it.

Spent most of the afternoon constructimg a letter to my nephew, and it still is not finished. Not sure what to write, so just waffled on. Tried to make is funny and interesting to read. Hope he likes it. I found a thing called a freeze stick, it is applied to your temples and wrists in an attempt to cool you down. It is 35 degrees out in afghanistan at the moment. Hope it helps. I am also sending him some Haribo sweets, which are his favourite. Hope they don't melt.
Whizzed up an other card. Thought i would have a go at a man's card. What do you think will it do?

Wednesday, 12 September 2007

New card sketch site

Found this new card challenge site Sketch this cards
So had a go at this weeks challenge. I am doing more cards than layouts at the moment. Might have to change to cardda jack or scrap cardda. Than again i might not. I really will try to get some layouts done. The team i am in on UK Scrappers are doing their own challenge. We have to use ribbons. Of which i only have about a thousand in mutliply colours, thicknesses and designs. So many i do not know how to decide.

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

CPS # 30

Had a go at this weeks sketch on The Card Positioning System used it for yestersdays card. But i think i like this one better. Really tired today. Will get a bit of a lay in, but should go to bed soon. I have lots to do tomorrow. Car needs to go for it's MOT and i want to get the back room stripped ready for re- decorating.
Also going for accupuncture for my back tomorrow. I do feel better after going, but is expensive. The bank balance will be getting a beating. Still it is only money. catch you later

Monday, 10 September 2007

lost mojo

Sorry not posted for a week. Just do not know where the time goes. Been busy with Luke going to high school. And of course it is this week that my nephew goes to afganistan. Fingers and all things crossable, crossed that he is kept safe and will return too us. My sister has had a hard time today, she awoke crying. Seems a little better this evening. It is her partners 50th birthday in october and she is planing a surpraise party. Think that will keep her occupied for a while. Lost my mojo a bit this week what with everything that as and is going on. Made a card tonight the first in a few days. Hope my mojo comes back soon. Any hints on how to recapture it? Takecare and keep safe.

Monday, 3 September 2007

Back to school

I my have just had 2 weeks off, but after this weekends partying i am bushed.
I had promised to take luke to the pictures to see the Simpsons. Luck for me he decided to leave it until thursday. He has been really good today sorting out his room. Throwing out lots of 'baby stuff'. Because he is off to high school tomorrow. He looks so grown up in his very expensive uniform. I have spent a small fortune on equiping him for his new school.
Bit of a trumatic time for me of late. What with nephews going to Afghanistan and now my boy nearly grown up. Where is the time going. Here are some piccies of my lovely son